Monday, May 07, 2018

What to do when it's hot

Okay, so I think I need a period of acclimatization before weather like this! The temperature in our bedroom yesterday evening was 32° Celsius, for Pete's sake. It was only 18° when we woke up this morning (and, for the first time this year, didn't light the stove) but it's 34° now, and that's with the doors and windows all open!

I was totally overcome by the heat yesterday, and did very little other than sit outside in the shade. That was lovely, of course, but I really wanted to get some jobs done. Instead, I enjoyed just chilling (Hmmm. Wrong word, considering...) and watching the boats go by. And the birds, though most of those are probably doing domestic duties at the moment. The reeds beside the boat are inhabited by two or three Reed Warblers. My recording of their warbling was spoiled by passing boats and noisy boaters, but the video below sounds just like it. It's a wonderful sound, and they keep it up for hours each day.

I am getting work done today. So far, I've tidied lockers and cupboards. (How is it that things find their way into places where they just don't belong? Especially when the place where they do belong is the skip?) When I finish writing this, I'm going to brush the flue and give the stove a thorough cleaning. I'd like to deal with the algae on the hatch cover, but I'll probably capitulate to the sun, and leave that job until the temperature has dropped sufficiently.

I'm really loving writing my new book. It's my third attempt at fiction. I discarded the first one, and have the second in a "Pending" folder on my computer. The history of that folder suggests that it really ought to be called "Rubbish Bin". (Have you ever wondered why Windows' rubbish bin is called the "Recycle Bin"? Do you ever re-use files you've dumped in there?)

I was quite amused yesterday when I discovered that a Twitter follower of mine uses a rather unusual name that's the same as I chose for a springer spaniel that's claimed a leading role in my book.

You'll have to wait until you buy the book before you find out more! (Hint hint). I've reported before that I already had a title, "Into the sunset", but I've been forced to change it, having found several other books with the same name. That's hardly surprising, but I'm confident that my new choice is unique.

(2 hours later) Flue swept, stove cleaned, and me capitulated to the sun! The algae can wait. I can't imagine they have anything else to do.

1 comment:

  1. It's been very hot here too. We had a fabulous weekend in dry dock. Couldn't have asked for better for painting the hull!


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